Monday, January 19, 2009

Open the Door and let Bridget in

She hangs her cloak upon the sun.
Goddess of introductions, of uplifting optimism.
Bard, smith, poet-well-spoken, strong and kind.
Goddess of the barn and the livestock.
Mysteries of the condition of water:
The breaking of the ice, the waters beginning to flow.
The internal preparation- the ready of ready, steady, go

Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Snow


I am heartened by this sunny day, by the fact that at 5pm it is not absolutely pitch dark, and by the joys of staying home with the family. Even this cold snow is beautiful (if you don’t have to be outside shoveling it!) Stay warm, keep the faith and remember that Imbolc is the harbinger of Spring. Soon shoots will be shooting and the earth awakening even if we don’t see it yet.
Get ready.
our fairy mound

Bryan is giving his Druid 101 lecture at Mirabai of Woodstock Sat. 1/31/09 @ 2pm
see to register or for more info.

We will celebrate Imbolc and the Goddess Bridget on Sunday 2/1/9 mid morn.
Be there or be square.