Tuesday, July 26, 2022

the fullness of MidSummer-part1

Much in the garden has bloomed and gone to seed,
already the intense heat
and serious thunderstorms.
Already I can see the autumn coming even as the high midday sun
breaks through the clouds.

MidSummer is the peak of becoming.
MidSummer is a dance of joy.
MidSummer is glorious.
Now, flying towards Lughnasah,
busy gets real.
Our Solstice ritual was on both Father's Day
and our Anniversary,
just like so many years ago,
great gatherings of great joy.
By MidSummer we had already celebrated much,
the garden, the family, the home,
community, art, poetry,
connections within connections.
May it long continue
with strong roots and flexible branches
and marvelous fruit.
See below for my notes and pics
 a bit random and out of order 
reflecting the glow from the day 
 mostly just felt and reveled in.

But we filmed it too.

So many people not at all crowded
(missing at least one, but there was still cake).
So much welcome 
(even under intense sun and post-pandemic wyrrd world)
Everything so full and the light so bright
Everyone came with joy and so much good food.

Layers of sacrifice

Many Gardeners
Layers of Gardeners

Silent Prayers
Hot Stones
Hot Fire

Good Fortune
directing people and energy

Our Whole Grove
kindling the fire



Kitchen Gathering of Witches
Pots of Coffee
-Hugging and Gathering-
setting up
letting go
 Would that there be more
time to talk in depth
with each person
drinking in deeply
their spirit
and really hearing them.

It was the 3 of us,
and our dear grovemate, and the two of them,
and the two of them with a kind friend
who has been here several times before,
and the two of them who we have not seen in so long,
and her and her daughter and also a friend
who has not been here before,
and then her. 
Plus all our Kindreds.
Blessed Abundance!

Intergenerational Boundless Joy