The nights are chilly and come early. Some trees are already bare and the oranges and reds have darkened. Harvests are stored as best we can; the garden should be fully put to bed but there are always a few more things to do.
The Wheel turns, Summer's end and a new year begins.
Interesting times we live in. Let’s gather and offer gratitude to those who have gone before and have lit the way for us.
I pulled some cards for the season and for our ritual and what really came across was honoring and being at peace with the fullness of who we are. There is only one of each of us and, like our ancestors who are remembered for who they are and what they did, it is essential for us to be who we are. To quote again from Martha Graham to Agnes B. DeMille “THERE IS A VITALITY,A LIFE FORCE, THAT IS TRANSLATED THROUGH YOU INTO ACTION. AND BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE OF YOU IN ALL TIME, THIS EXPRESSION IS UNIQUE. AND IF YOU BLOCK IT,IT WILL NEVER EXIST THROUGH ANY OTHER MEDIUM AND WILL BE LOST.THE WORLD WILL NOT HAVE IT.”
As the veil between the worlds thins, it is important to let go of fear and be whole.
We spoke about this season, the Dead, and Gods or Spirits of the passing- those who act as psychopomps and those who transform. There is often the desire to pair things up- the god and goddess of the season, the king and queen, creating a balance. Maybe sometimes that is a bit forced or unnecessary, maybe we leave someone out that way. I thought about the honoring of each, side by side or individual yet related. Our actual ancestors probably did not know each other, but they are all welcome here, none more honored than the next, with no disrespect to any. My grandparents and Bryan's- so different from each other and yet they all are ancestors to our son.
We talked about the Morrighan, and the Norns, the Fates and Valkiries. The Dagda and Cernunos and Mananan and Odin. We will honor them all as best we can in this world.
We are setting out dumb suppers for those spirits already restless and passing thru like the wind. Our fire on Sunday will burn long after ritual. Bring something to honor and remember your dead kindred and your living self- a name, a song, sweet smelling sacrifice, a tasty morsel.
Come by around 4:30pm, ritual by 5, potluck to follow.
Please RSVP, and if you can't be here be with us in person, please join us in your heart.