Sunday, October 13, 2024

Autumnal Equinox rebalancing

Suddenly the birdsong at dawn is no more.
Suddenly the extended dusk is gone, with darkness overtaking the sky earlier and earlier.
Suddenly the evening cacophony of insects is silent.
And the hummingbirds have left,
though the downy woodpecker still calls for us to refill the feeder
they have becomed accustomed to feasting from.

Last harvests,
leaves begin to change,
sweaters are great,
and hot soups entice.

Now almost mid-October
leaves are all colors
and falling.
Plants have come inside
and mostly
the harvests are done.
Only cleaning up remains;
only dreams and memories
of the Summer
only wistfulness
amid the brilliant blue skies
with magnificent cloud formations
and accompanied by the warmth of the woodstove

 Finally a day of rain
quenching the parched Earth
and drained waterways
and cancelling big plans.
Now is not the time to do,
but to withdraw,
even as the need to gather
becomes essential.

we are community.
we will get through the dark times,
the hurricanes,
the wars and slaughter,
the fear.
with a cup of tea.

Even at the Equinox,
we could feel the shift.
Prayers for good healing,
prayers for balance,
prayers for deep strong breath,
prayers for love.

As a Grove,
we are working on compassion and consideration
for ourselves and each other.
We don't do rules,
but we have a code of conduct
based in respect,
the same respect and honor,
that we share with our Kindred Spirits.
Mindful of time,
sacred time, each other's schedules, the times of our lives.
Mindful of space,
personal space, sacred space, our home and our bodies.
Mindful of our hearts.

At this season's ritual reminder,
I noted the need to come focused,
snacking is for later (unless you are very hungry),
chatting is for later (unless your talk is about ritual),
and mentioned my request for landwork support.
Hosting is a lot,
and as we get older,
managing the prep, the property and the energies,
becomes a lot.

at this holiday of balance,
everyone showed up late
(one person just as we were closing the gates),
conversation went all over the place as we waited,
I encouraged folks to eat something,
and now we may need to reschedule
our landwork day due to other weather related events.
So there is your balance.
Don't expect, though planning is good.
Don't hold fast, though strength is essential.
Don't be rigid, though grateful our Southern friends' homes
were solid.
Don't wallow in grief, though mourning in these times
is a given.
Keep the faith,
gentle and true.

Notes and pics and remembrances from then:

Everyone was late thus just us together
making the small fire
with sticks and more sticks
the land very dry
so not at the five circle directional fire pit
no big fire
but nonetheless
a consuming and constant one.
Dancing fire, dancing flames.

Real love vibe

Johnny arrived first though he texted that he would be late.
Then Sophie, all dressed up and always beautiful
(she had thought the email said formal attire!)
Then Eric who had also texted that he was stuck in traffic.
So folks who thought they were running late
were early
was how it went.

But before that it was the two of us
feeding the fire
newly gathered
sticks and sage

Seeds are made now,
harvesting time or planting time
is anthropocentric
human time,
but the making of seed
is this time of final fruiting
the energy for next year.
What seeds are we making now
to bring to fruition
in the future?

 Then Johnny's friends arrived.
Called Elizabeth's house
to make sure she & Katrina were coming,
they arrived last.
Nicci and Leah just before them.
Some Prosecco.
Some water.
Two dogs big and small.
11 humans(plus one in utero and one at ritual's end)
and good feelings all around.

The balance of imbalance,
the flexibility of harvest,
the comfort of gentleness.

in a cheese coma dreaming

panting dog
wanting to claim
the old turkey outsiders offering
having to settle
for large sticks

 sweetgrass braid for Bridget
flowers and flowers
fresh and dry
smoke and fire
building and consuming

sacrifice for Dad and Mom
for energy transformed
for Kathy
for healing
for Peace
and an end to endless
genocide and hate
for sanity
and gratitude


the nourishment and hydration
of coconut water
Thank You Earth Mother

 This early pre-dawn
a pink glow due East
fading into the clouds

prayers for ease and tears of sadness
transitions are hard
anger and fear come so easily
nothing is in our control

"Bridget is BRAT"

Frey and Freyja - the divine twins of fertility
harmonious abundance but balanced
intentionality as non-directional
of unintentional 'what offers itself to us'

the sacrifice of the burning swan
beloved planting container
falling apart
transformed to magic


and then the struggle
to pull up the dead Mullein
not letting go
of its place in the rock and ground
magical sacrifice
tells stories

 Our Omens:MGAuD

the Self
the Gift
the Voice
the Day

acknowledge this
listen and accept
see clearly, mindfully
you already know
act accordingly
from the vantage point of awareness

the runes for our
Ancestors/Spirits of Nature/the Season
were upside down as in flipped over
but the Voice
from the Gods & Goddesses
was forward
clearing the path

 -Omens of Potluck Food-
all snacks and desserts
two tomato salads

Feed yourself
as best you can.