Saturday, January 16, 2016

Yule turns the Year

all I remember is the hubbub of the season.
Star Wars, and shopping, and working too much,and illnesses and helping older friends
and busy schedules and warmish weather.
Strangely warm but sort of welcome anyway.

 a few friends and special guests arrived and snacked
and circled the fire outside.

He gathered and fed many armload of sticks (winter's kindling) to the fire.
She sang "Wouldn't It Be Loverly"
I offered his Yarzheit glass.
Teenagers were silent.
We were 9 people.

 omens in the yuletide-growing spearmint

from our Ancestors: Yera- the year or harvest, an entire year's cycle
from the Spirits of Nature and Place: Wunjo or Joy
from the Gods & Goddesses: Sowelu or the Sun, and the sun also represents the path
that the sun takes not only in a day, but in the year and the cycle
for the Season: Gibor or giving, sacrifice and gift and exchange

the day after ritual the weather turned cold,
it's been warm and wintery alternately.
We ride the cycles of the new weather together.

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