Friday, August 9, 2024

Lughnasah Rainbows

 There's a crispness to the air,
it may rain for days,
gentle sprinkles and also thunderstorms
and the sudden mini cloudburst
in the midday sun.
It seemed overnight literally
that we crossed the threshold to autumn.

May our harvests be fruitful for all.
May clear vision guide us well.
May we share our love and shine our light easily
and generously
and also towards ourselves.
May we stay present and listen and hear
and speak from the heart.
May our connections stay strong.
May healing be in due time,
grief and sorrow allowed to ebb,
and grounded peace prevail.

intertwining layers
of flowers fresh and dry
burning on a hot fire
started with twigs and bark
and wet wood
and good sticks.

  And as the last folks were leaving
the rain
which held off since the morning
lightly started
with our shadows on the earth
and a rainbow
arching from East to the South.

Reverence. Gratitude. Love.

photo by Emmallyea

Bryan & I sat together in the evening bluing
him playing his drum and me writing notes
while we talked
and the fire rekindled.
The endless day that is Summer wanes.
Savor and gather
slowly steadily

Some of those rambling notes and some pictures:

photo by Emmallyea

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