Thursday, March 13, 2025

Imbolc Time -The Quickening

 Icing and breaking open.
This time of fear and defiance and truth
shattering the foundation
believing in our strength
and coming back to life.

 The birds now sing in the morning
and the evening.
Green appears from the landscape of winter white.
Willows cast yellow and the maples red.
Sap flows.

We are still here.
The Earth is alive.
Spring rushes in
like the stream even under the solid cover of ice.

What is beneath and hidden and forming?
What can we nurture and grow?
What can be saved among the destruction?
Who are you now?

We've been gathering before the holiday
to focus our hearts and spirit
to be more present at ritual
to remember.

We wanted to really honor and properly invoke
our dear Goddess Bridget,
so many aspects of power and love.

This was what we wrote:
the flame of joy within
balancing respect
the arts

 my prayer:
oh dear Bridget,
shine your light
throughout our being
allowing our inner forge
to craft the armor we need,
inspire us to grieve and also to sing
as we hold and heal
each other
through the art and artistry
of our lives
here and now.

This time of frozen transition lingers
cold, empty and dark
though the light subtly returns
almost without notice
drinking in the extra minutes of daylight
like a nice cup of tea
the busyness of the Summer garden almost a forgotten dream.
Now looking back
amazed to have made it to this wakening,
the long Winter releasing.
How to keep the momentum of slow
with the urge to run.

 Notes and pics from then and other musings
in a non-chronological order:

Busy morning of cleaning,
laying out candles and food.
Vortex of Smoke
like the flowers
neither of which I saw
but was in the middle
or completely outside of.
Procession to the Bridget Shrine
the Spring
and the Fire
feeling solid
on what seems

All the flowers
from last year's harvest
gathered one by one
throughout the season
dried on the fireplace mantle
in the spot
where Bridget will rest
after being invited in
and lighting our hearth

I am the ingot
You are the forge.

All the songs
sung twice.
 If I had a hammer.
The Hammer of Justice.
The Bell of Freedom.
The Song about love
my brothers and my sisters
all over this land.
Everyone separately delayed,
though ritual started only an hour late,
which considering the challenges each day
was just about right.

Fire Starter
in the 5-Circle Fire Pit
we all had the white-hats
we the Good Guys
the Druids
Our Whole Grove.
Goddess Bridget keep us safe.
Light our way.
Keep us strong.
Keep our words & hearts true.

Bridget Candle Relighting
again and again
warm beverages and blankets

The great cosmic vagina

Going through Bridget's Girdle
The Magic Working
I am now different.

House full of good food
and good food smells.

the well/womb/nest/cave
of the Bridget Fire

Bryan & Elizabeth
bonding at the center,
Me & Ann & Lily
in the kitchen
making the candle
for Bridget work
carving wax, crafting wick
and light.

feel the roots
and the Earth energy
in the frozen hard ground
coming together
to help one another
everyone gently being.

chopping the ice,
singing the songs,
stomping on the ground,

making candles
to fit
the ice candles
and setting them around.

As always Imbolc has ice.
Cracking ice in the Sun,
making safety changes,
honoring the gentle ease
of this past Winter.

The long Pre-Rit
as Sacred Experience
building the new fire
close to the house
close to home
close to our hearts
Reverent Walk About
Being Kind

Making sure Bridget felt Honored
Good Flames
Good Sacrifice
Everything Working Well


Ritual Purification
Smudge Stick
the overflowing outpouring
of love
for and from
our dear Goddess Bridget

Milk overflowing the Well
Beer over the Tree
Fat poured over the Fire
Everyone putting Sacrifice in the Fire
Good Boundaries
every body gentle in their being
we are strong
in our isolation
from the world

not like false promise
the comfort of grounded
in Space out of Time
for a moment
for the day
there was no fear
only love

Bridget protect us
help us to weave our own protection
help us to wear our cloak
of nurturing
and to spread it out
for all
help us kindle our fire

I am the Ingot
You are the Forge

Our Omens:

What is the Vantage Point?
Don't Grasp the Thorns tightly.
Allow the Sun's light to Penetrate & Cleanse.
Allow for New Beginnings.
the Hedgehog and Crystal Foot
arrived today in similar packages
like the morning snow
a surprise gift reminding us
to be open to
the Unexpected Good.

the difference between
Smoked Salmon and Lox

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